Featured Renovation Projects

This full interior renovation / beautification of a simple 1950s country gothic church in rapidly growing Taylor, TX included restoration of turn-of-the-century stained glass and ornate marble furnishings from the previous historic church (designed by famed architect Nicholas Clayton), terrazzo flooring, wood pews, and confessionals. Original marble and brass altar rail elements were rebuilt as votive kneelers at Marian and Josephine shrines. New interior gothic pendant light was added, and the entire scheme was unified and transformed with decorative paint by John Canning Liturgical Arts. An original tracker pipe organ from the previous church was moved up to the choir loft, which was also fully reconfigured. Numerous other functional upgrades were made to to the building inside and out. Exterior work included envelope restoration, lighting and irrigation, new canopy, signage, and entry plaza.
Dedicated October 9, 2021
View before/after video, dedication footage, and construction photos on the parish website.
To read the Liturgical Arts Journal feature on this project, click here.
To read the First Things feature on this project, click here.